FEED ME MONDAY – The ‘CaRAWmel Cookie’ Edition

Happy Monday my darling cherubs! I told you I would be back! I’m so excited to be giving this little online space (and safe haven) the love and attention it deserves over the Summer months. Summer, soul love and spiritual pursuits – oh yeah. Sounds blissful don’t it?

Today’s recipe is one that was tried, tested and very much loved and approved at last week’s Samudra twilight markets. These babies went crazy. Flew off the table. So, as promised, I wanted to share this beautiful recipe with you to pass on to family and friends. It is NOT my recipe – I have linked in to the beautiful Emily (I know all the good ones tend to have been blessed with this namesake hehe) and her amazing Rawsome Vegan Life website. Get to know her here. She is pretty incredible.

CaRAWmel Cookies

Recipe via Rawsome Vegan LifeCaRAWmel CookiesAlmond cacao cookies:

1 cup almonds
1 cup dates
2 heaping tablespoons cacao powder
1 teaspoon vanilla extract 

Salted maca caramel:
1 cup dates
2 tablespoons maca powder
Himalayan pink crystal salt, to taste
3/4 cup water, more or less as needed 

Topping (optional):
Pecan halves, walnut halves and/or almonds 

To make the cookies: pulse the almonds into flour in a food processor, then add the rest of the ingredients and pulse until it all sticks together. Press into the bottom of a lined baking pan and put in the fridge.

To make the caramel: blend all the ingredients until smooth and thick like whipped cream. Put this in the fridge for about 2 hours.

Use a cookie cutter to make your cookies, then scoop a spoonful of caramel on top of each one. Press a walnut, almond or pecan onto the dollop of caramel. Refrigerate overnight or at least for a few hours… then enjoy with fresh almond milk!

Blessings and oodles of these delicious cookies served with a yummy glass of almond mylk x

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