
I didn’t quite expect SUCH a long time between posts but I honoured my recent decision (see my previous post) to write authentically, when called to do so and inspired to do so … even if that meant being a little more sporadic. It means that you might not hear from me as often as you’d perhaps like, but it DOES mean that when I do show up – it will be even more authentic and more loving and more passion-fuelled. I hope that’s ok.

I’ve just returned from an incredible and absolutely awe-inspiring eight week holiday//exploration in Europe. I’m actually hoping to dip my toe in the ‘travel blogging’ waters so watch this space over the next few weeks for posts about where we went, what we ate, what we did, where we slept and, more important than all else, what we learned. It was magical and one of the best experiences of my life. In typical Emily style – it also provided the stage for huge personal growth, shifts, inspiration and newfound direction. I feel like I shed a few layers (definitely metaphoric layers – as the pizza and pasta, although delicious, did my butt no favours) and uncovered a few little aspects of myself that had been laying dormant or had yet to be discovered. The world is a big, beautiful and exciting playground isn’t it? 

Today’s post serves as a bit of an update as to where I am, what I’ve been up to and to dust off the ole keyboard and just get writing again. More than anything though, it’s a big hello, arms open and extended to you all (old and new readers alike), and to share a recent mission of mine with you all.


For those of you who follow me on instagram, in addition to the barrage of holiday selfies and iconic sights, you may have seen a post that I shared that refered to my commitment to Plastic Free July. PFJ is a powerful initiative, movement and mission to raise awareness of the effects of plastic within our crazy consumer driven lives. It also calls people into action by encouraging them to pledge to reduce their consumption of single use plastics.

After my visit to Hawaii last year – I felt compelled to reflect on my own ‘plastic life’ and the detrimental effects of my consumption on the world around me. I shared this post about the devastating (but inspiring) experience of our Hawaiian beach clean up and my first hand experience of seeing the catastrophic consequences of ocean plastics. Since then I have made a conscious effort to (where possible) reduce my use of plastics and, specifically, single use plastics. I dabbled in supporting ‘no waste’ concepts such as the No Waste Christmas initiative started up by 1MillionWomen and started toting the ever sexy reusable shopping bag and produce bags when shopping. But, as is happening with a lot of areas in my life right now, I decided to ramp it up. To go from ‘dabbling’ to whole hog ‘committed’. Cue the PFJ challenge.


And, let’s not sugarcoat it, it IS a challenge. Not a ‘teensy bit tricky’ challenge, but rather a ‘this calls for some pretty big changes and shifts in perception’ challenge. But, trust me fellow earth crusaders, it’s completely doable. And the benefits FAR outweigh the annoyances that we might encounter along the way. What we do today dictates the kind of future that we create for tomorrow. I often prompt myself to think of my future children (cue Simpson’s reference – “think of the children!”) and I hope that I can look into their eyes and at the world around them and honestly say that I did everything I could to leave them a beautiful world//planet. A little ‘future trippin’ for ya, but it’s what adds fuel to my fire.

Today, I wanted to share a few tips on how exactly I have gone ‘plastic free’ and how I have reduced my use of plastics in my life.

1) Banning the most prevalent single use plastics (plastic cutlery; straws; bags and waterbottles).

2) Using IGA//Coles//Woolworths enviro bags whenever shopping. I am commited to NEVER using plastic bags again so that means keeping a stash of enviro bags in the car for last minute dashes to the shops. And, if I have forgotten or don’t have one, carrying the items to my car or packing them loose in a trolley.

3) I used these Onya reusable produce bags for all of my fruits//vege//nuts//seeds//. These amazing little devils are amazing. Reusable, washable, earth friendly and an awesome conversation starter if you use them at your local IGA and stump the checkout chick//dude! Everyone has been so interested in learning about them!

4) Be ‘plastic aware’. Plastics, unfortunately, are everywhere. I don my plastic goggles whenever I’m making household or personal purchases because, like sugar that’s sneakily hiding in so much of our foods, plastic is in a GREAT deal of our everyday consumables. For example, ladies I’m looking at you, did you know that even our lowly tampon often contains plastic? Not fun.

5) Educating myself on inspiring people initiatives in local and wider communities. Toolbox time! Check out – this video of an inspiring ‘no waste’ chick; the official PFJ website; this Dunsborough local initiative to ban plastic bags; this petition to display graphic images on single use plastic bottles and this film that explores our addiction to plastics.

Blessings and zero waste from this chikita x

Images found here | here | here

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