Intellectual Boner alert …


I find Russell Brand so dang sexy. I understand he isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. I completely get that, and dig diversity, so if he ain’t for you that is A-OK. But from my first glimpse of him in Forgetting Sarah Marshall to getting to know the ‘real’ Russell in his incredible interview with ___ – I fell head over heals in love with his mind. Sure- it’s crazy, convoluted, tangential, confusing, inspiring, revolutionary, kind, fast paced, intimidating and mind bogglingly intelligent – but I honestly believe it to be one of the most thought provoking, change inducing and innovative minds that will undoubtably create MASSIVE ripples in the world.

His new book, rEVOLution (emphasis on the LOVE backwards), is a ballsy look at what isn’t working within our society and how the thought leaders of our generation are creating solutions and fostering change. Shiz like this is my intellectual porn. I love it. And as soon as I heard that it was coming out, I preordered a copy. Would you believe my luck, just days before I head off to a pretty much pool dwelling, cocktail/mocktail drinking, book readin’ vaycay with my darling family – it arrives in stores. So guess who pre-ordered herself a copy and will be poolside with Mr Brand in just under a week. This girl.

If anyone is interested in learning more about his new book or just to see him in action – click on the link (Russell Brand’s Revolution (Second Reading)) which will take you to the reading of an excerpt from the book. Sigh, he is just so dang talented. And sexy. Check out that beard and those locks. Swoon. AND he does yoga and meditates daily. The ferk? Perfect man ahoy!


Blessings and a whole heap of this Brand o’ lovin x

Images found - 1) Here and 2) Here

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