The era (and value) of Multipotentialites.


I came across the concept of multipotentialites in a TEDx talk by Emilie Wapnick (I know, even her name is like mine, but spelt cooler and weirdly incorporates my partner’s name into the surname … Weird) a few months back. As soon as I finished the podcast, I texted my boyfriend and sent him the link saying, ‘I have never felt more understood *allelujiah hands’. His reply? ‘Shit, this podcast is about you.’ The term ‘multipurposite’ was born of the premise it that, in life, we are often encouraged to #findourgifts. You know, our unique talents and underlying prowess that will, no doubt, steer the course of our lives? Those little buggers.

But what if, like me, you feel kind of shafted in the ‘special gifts’ department?

I’ve watched countless YouTube videos on ‘uncovering your passion’, ‘realising your gift’, ‘finding your purpose’, ‘unlocking your genius’ and … I feel no more uncovered, realised, found or unlocked. I feel frustrated that so many people whom I’ve crossed paths with, seem so ‘actualised’ and so certain of their role in this world. Meanwhile I’m jumping from yoga to cooking to environmentalism to language and books to relationships to psychology to spirituality – like it ain’t no thing.

Now, before this is perceived as a ‘I don’t got no talents and specialness’ piece, let me steer you a little more toward my way of thinking and the inspiration for today’s post. I’m not at all unhappy in my pursuit of my ‘purpose’. In fact, I’m dizzyingly happy and inspired. All the time. I’ve been told that I’d likely be one of those people who, thrown into any job, would find her feet and find enjoyment out of it. I own an epic private practice, where I proudly and loudly wear my speech pathology and manager hats, and I feel like I get to make a difference and really support and nurture other people’s voice and confidence. It’s amazing.

But then I get home, read an article or see a short video about someone doing something amazing that lights both them and myself up, and I’m like. THAT. That is what I’m chasing. Or I’ll be chatting to a friend and they’ll encourage me to pursue something, like teaching or coaching or collaborative workshops, and I’m all YES. For a few days. Or then I’ll be typing away at the keypad, write something that resonates with one or two people (or more if I’m lucky) and then they’ll emphatically tell me ‘keep writing, this is it!’.

And I love all of those things. Writing, speech pathology, teaching, coaching, collaborating. I love them all in equal measure. That’s the thing. And, since listening to Emilie’s TEDxtalk, it’s the thing I’ve realised we mulitpotentialites have in common.

There’s no one thing that lights us up. Every single day, our creative heart is being pulled in a million directions. We are constantly scribbling down business ideas, career pathways, courses to enrol in, books to buy, people to talk to – our mind is forever entertaining a multitude of possibilities and creative endeavours.

And the take away message is … that’s totally ok.

It’s ok to have one passion. It’s just as ok to have a thousand. It’s ok to have one career. It’s just as ok to have ten over the course of 5 years.

Because, my friends, here’s the crux of it and the reason we seek to grow and learn and expand and excel. We get one life. One. Depending on whether you believe in reincarnation or the recycling of our souls (I’m personally manifesting that I come back as Chris Pratt’s bedsheets), this is the one chance we get at total and complete self expression. Being able to figure out what turns you on, taps you in and lights you up and calling that into your life erry single day, THAT is the aim of the game baby.

So to all my fellow multipotentialites, with dizzingly high ambition and a thousand scrawled upon notebooks, this is just a love note to say – the world needs your magic too. It needs your relentless passion and exploration and insatiable curiosity. AND my girl Marie Forleo did an interview with Franchesca Ramsey all about navigating your multipassionate heart within business, check it our here.

And to my one-path, one-passion, one-divine gift amigos. Go you good things. Share your love and passion and interests with people far and wide. Become an expert in all things ‘you’ and magnify that with your work, learnings and teachings.

Blessings and about a million projects on the go (which is totes fine) x

Also – a disclaimer – This piece was kind of born from my struggling to come up with a post for, oh I don’t know, frikkin 1087 years. The hiatus is the epitomised reflection of my multipotentialites personality. I have been researching all kinds of things, looking into podcast hosting, more writing opportunities, collaborations, videos … and hence this humble blog was left on the backburner. Thank you for your love and patience.

Image sourced here

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