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Dear Universe,

Life is good. So dang good. And I thank you for making that happen. I would like to give you the biggest cuddle and express my sincere thanks for the following blessings in my life:

  • Giggles and highschool style infatuation in a relationship that’s approaching it’s 6th birthday. Seriously, I have butterflies again.
  • My recent discovery of healthy chocolate icecream (my ass and I both thank you).
  • My beautiful friends and their constant love and support. Seriously undeserving of having such angels in my life.
  • Ditto, my family. I miss them but I thank you for keeping us ever so close despite the distance.
  • Connecting with inspiring souls and gaining instantaneous new friends. 
  • Helping me this week to define my ‘why’ and set some BAGs (Big Ass Goals).
  • Isadelights and green tea. And tea in general. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
  • The excitement of planning a very unique style of celebration for my big 2 5.
  • Pushing myself out of my comfort zone and working harder and smarter than ever before.
  • The INCREDIBLE progress of some of my clients in the clinic. 
  • And for my job in general. I am so fortunate to be doing what I love day in, day out. AND especially when my private practice allows me to build up my other pursuits on the side!
  • THIS article on female empowerment and supporting the sisterhood. Hells Yes.
  • Books. Upon books. Upon BOOKS that are currently adorning my bedside table.
  • My sister’s incredible achievement of landing her first job.
  • Energy and inspiration in abundance.
So that just about sums it up. But in case you couldn’t tell, Universe, I’m really freakin’ grateful for the incredible blessings that have been bestowed upon me. It keeps getting better. My smile, keeps getting bigger. And, my heart, keeps overflowin’. 

Blessings, thanks, praise and complete adoration x

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