
Can you feel it?! All of dat amazing potent lunar energy just edging it’s way closer to us? A few weeks back – I posted this little gem, that served to dissect all things Lunar. I spoke about the energetic influence of the full moon in our lives – heightened sensation and a time to harvest that which we have sewn and been working towards – so you can imagine my heart-soaked enthusiasm around this months’ SUPERmoon. And, little known fact, its the second in a trilogy of supermoons across October, November and December of 2016. Huzzah. Spiritually and energetically, this marks radical change and transformation over the final three months of 2017. There’s a LOT more that we can explore and delve into, that I just don’t feel qualified to share with you all (I’m a full blown lunar learner too!) so have a looksie via sites such as Mystic Mama and Gostica.

What is a supermoon? Due to its closer positioning to the Earth, it’s said to appear 14% bigger and 30% brighter. We haven’t seen a supermoon this close since the last encounter on January 26, 1948 and our next one won’t be til November 25, 2034. So suck up all of its beauty and magic, my darlings, because it ain’t coming around again anytime soon.

I came across an incredible post that shared the best-erest ways to soak up the magic of the moon and make the most of, what they termed, ‘lunar vibrations’. Well, your girl is a dunce, unfortunately I can’t find the source//reference to share with you all today (one of the many downfalls of being a way-too-eager- beaver, 100000-tabs-open-at-once, kinda girl). So, please note that, the following words are my own but the ideas and concepts are some which I have come across in my readings and research. Oh how I wish I was a moon-mystic and earth-goddess, but I got dealt a different set of cards this time around. Read, allow the thoughts and ideas to swirl and brew, and let me know if you happen to recognise the author//originator of these ideas so that I can credit them.


A period of reflection – As is recommended to do in our monthly full moons, use the Supermoon as an opportunity to look back over how far you’ve come, what lays behind you and any prominent lessons//learnings from the year thus far. What have you come to discover//recognise, either in yourself or your world, that you can take with you into the new astrological year.

Release – Remember how I mentioned that the November supermoon is the second in a trilogy of latter year occuring moons – well they serve to represent the ‘death’ in the cyclic evolution of our planet, and signify the final release before birth//rebirth. 2017 is actually (according to numerology) a year 1, and thus represents a completely new beginning and fresh start.

Forgive – Forgiveness and working through relationship (romantic, platonic and all forms) opposition has been a recurrent theme of 2016. So many issues, situations andcircumstances which we once believed to have already been settled, seemingly have resurfaced throughout the year, despite appearances that they are finalised. Uh uh. This supermoon offers opportunity for final forgiveness, release and closure. Do what needs to be done to resolve and release. Final closures and cord cuttings ahoy.

Detox – Physical and detoxification are encouraged at this time, with a more gentle and loving approach to self care. This is the ‘replenish‘ after the ‘release‘, replacing all of what we have shed to now be nourished and nurtured to encourage our highest and most radiant selves. My advice? Kale. But that’s regardless of the supermoon. I just always kind of feel like kale is the answer to our problems. But seriously, fresh and high vibe plants, oodles of water, nuts//seeds … you know the deal.

Our Hearts – Oh hey there heart, how are ya doing? This supermoon will have you feeling the feels with emotions (both light and dark) amplified. You are encouraged to recognised how you are feeling right now, in this space//place in your life, and how you can rejig//recalibrate it to be in alignment with how you want to feel. Be aware of these heightened sensations and do what you need to to pull yourself back in and ground yourself. Perhaps it’s a restorative yoga class or a plant-rich meal or an epic dip in the ocean – get back to you, however you need to.

Transformation – The duality of energies involves in this supermoon are causing us to feel a little resistance and a little ‘anchored’ perhaps – but in fact marks the beginnings of greater shifts and transformation. It’s said that we will begin to notice being thrust a little more beyond our comfort zone (which is, we all know, where that ripe and juicy magic happens). Know, with reassurance, that all of the nasty or unpleasant sensations of opposition or unsettledness are simply the prelude to somethin’ pretty wild. You’re blossoming, little one, just keep going.

Blessings and so much lunar love and mushy moon kisses x


Images sourced here | here |

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