I’ve got it on good authority that the energy of our little planet, as of late, has gone a little awry. Everyone is feeling a wee bit more on edge, things that normally wouldn’t fret us are now sending us into a tail spin, we feel out of sorts and restless … Well, this has been the case for a few people in my life, yours truly also in amongst the ranks of fretters. My overthinking, overanalytical and worrysome brain has been kept at bay, pretty much since the day I flew out for my trip. No real overwhelm or stress has leaked in, both over the course of my travels and since my hit-the-ground-running return to work. Until. This. Week.

I’m not going to bore you with details of my absolute idiocy and reveal what exactly was the kicker for sending me head first into panic-ville, but it was so trivial and stupid. But when we allow that worried energy to consume us, everything suddenly seems bigger, badder, scarier, and more real than it actually is. We operate from a place of irrationality and fear. All of our positive vibes are cloaked with a pessimistic little poncho and life feels kinda … funky. What starts off as a single issue or dilemma, all of a sudden amalgamates into a plethora of problems. I woke up in this sort of mindset yesterday and during a morning walk to get the blood pumping, and brain a-thinking, the phrase ‘it’s all figure-outable’ was on repeat in my head. Because, no matter what life throws at us, it truly is all figure-outable. Everything can be figured out.

Today is a quick post – sharing with you my top tips and tricks to get you out of your funk, and raise your vibe once more.


Write out every little and big thing that might be nagging at you or vying for your attention. I tend to brain dump in three columns – in the first I identify the life area (work; health; family etc), second column I nut out what I can consciosuly change or action that’s within my control, then in the final column identify what might be factors that influence the outcome that sit beyond my control. I call this latter column the ‘shit to let go’ pile. Getting it all out of your head, and being able to physically witness your thoughts on paper is profoundly cathartic and really highlights that nothing is as bad as it seems when yo’ crazy brain is in otherthinking mode.


Get outdoors, get to the gym, get between the sheets … whatever you need to get out of your head and into your body for a little tension release. Do it.


Call a loved one and just chat through where your head’s at and what might be feeling a little challenging. They’ll either be able to act solely as a sounding board and just offer time//space for you to get it all off your chest; or they might offer a new//fresh perspective on things. It’s often when we have been able to see something through someone else’s eyes that our own experience of the situation shifts. “When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.”


Don a smile, rattle off a few things you’re grateful for and find the silver linings. Life is all about the ups and downs, the pinas and the coladas, so trust that whatever neggy bug thoughts you have going on, aren’t taking up residence in your mind forever. They’re a short term house guest, and you’ve just issued their first eviction notice. Trust that life will settle, your perspective will shift once again (and again, and again) and balance will be restored. But execute this trust with a smile. Because you’re sexy when you smile.

Blessings and sexy smiles x

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