At the moment I am pushing and stretching myself further and further – spiritually, emotionally, physically, in work, in play … in life. I have been tuning into my ‘inner guide’ – that little voice that, in this day and age of crazy busyness, we silence and tend to ignore. But this voice, this meek, soft and silenced voice, is so insanely powerful and incredibly insightful. By acknowledging and honouring this voice, we can learn to heal ourselves. Our inner guide is a master of disguise and can serve as our doctor, nutritionist, friend, counsellor, personal trainer, teacher – you name it. Trust that voice and I promise you it will lead you on your true path.
So. I took my own advice and honed in on that voice, held up a big ole (metaphoric but still rad) amplifier and let that inner voice take centre stage. Something in me stirred and encouraged me to commit to a radical transformation. One of intense spiritual, physical and emotional growth. And how am I getting there? Yoga, writing, running, journalling, meditation, quiet time, active weekends, organic food, juice cleansing and surrounding myself with abundant love and support. I’ve launched straight into my quiet meditative practice and yoga classes and, boy oh boy, did my Inner Guide respond with gusto!
I want to preface my little story by sharing with you all the significance behind this beautiful symbol. The ‘aum’ consists of three curves, one semicircle and a dot. These are symbols of each persons self and their potential. The large curve (lower left corner) – symbolises the ‘waking state‘ and is symbolic of ego – our outward persona, the person we think we should be, the identity that we consciously associate with the self. The upper curve (upper left) symbolises the ‘unconscious self’ and is the part of ourselves that is hidden from ones unconsciousness. The middle curve represents the ‘dream state’ – the connection between the conscious and unconscious. The semicircle (floating symbol) represents the ‘illusion’ that self exists as a separate entity. This illusion separates the individual from becoming one with the ‘infinite self’. The dot represents the ‘infinite, absolute self’. It symbolises the ultimate experience of life and of the Divine. Ok – so can you see now why I’m obsessed with the incredible intricacies of this simple symbol!
So …
During a yoga class this week, at a new venue that I’m trying on for size (& just quietly am adoring), I had such a beautiful moment of pristine clarity and almost epiphany-like realisation. I saw myself – only it wasn’t me. It felt like me, she had my features, she had my spirit but she was a little different. She was so physically at ease, comfortable in her skin, oozed health and vitality, was radiant with love and seemed to possess such self assurance and peace. I truly believe that she was my infinite, absolute self. She’s in me and she is pounding on the confining walls of my current self. But she’s close, oh so close, to coming through to the big wide world.
I trusted my inner guide and it led me to such a beautiful moment. I feel so comforted by the experience and so inspired to continue fostering transformations in myself and others. Please know that you, I, everyone and everything on this planet deserves a life of absolute beauty, light, happiness and above all love.
Let’s start a revolution. What are you committing to for the month of May to show yourself some love and honour that Inner Guidance?
Blessings and profound gratitude for this beautiful thing called ‘life’ x
How long does it take for a person to become saved? It takes as long as it takes to believe and be baptized in water.(Mark 16:16)
On the Day of Pentecost they believed and were baptized in water the same day. (Acts 2:22-38)
Cornelius, his relatives and close friends believed and were baptized in water the same day. (Acts 10:24-48)
The Ethiopian eunuch believed and was baptized in water the same day.(Acts 8:26-38)
Saul (the apostle Paul) believed and then was baptized in water three days later. (Acts 9:9 Acts 22:6-16)
The Philippian jailer and his household believed and were baptized in water the same hour. (Acts 16:25-33)
Salvation is an act of obedience. (John 3:16, Acts 2:38, Romans 10:9-10, Mark 16:16)
Salvation is not keeping the Laws of Moses nor is it the performing of good deeds.
Beautiful post Em! Speaking straight to me – this month I am doing Mindful In May, a month long meditation challenge! xo.
Thank you gorgeous! That’s SO fantastic to hear. This was very open and raw little stream of consciousness for me! Oh I was going to do MiM – let me know how you go, you superstar. xx