Honouring your Gut


That instinct, certainty and ever growing pull that lays at the crux of your solar plexus … you know the feeling? That little sensation is the key to everything that you wish to unlock within your life. Not sure of something? Check in with your gut? Sure of something? Check in with your gut. So […]

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As I unashamedly power through my insanely highlighted copy of CWG* – which is seriously one of the most game changing books of mah life – a few things have stopped me dead in my tracks and have flipped my preconceptions on their head. Firstly – the concept of the universe conspiring to help you. […]

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Waiting for inspiration to hit can be a risky little process. On one hand it guarantees that when I do in fact write, that it’s genuine and authentic and somewhat relative and useful; but on the flip side it usually means there is a pretty significant delay in posts. Let’s address the elephant in the […]

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BUILDING BELIEFS [And choosing differently]


Like all of the best ideas and inspiration, today’s post was born out of a run of the mill conversation with a friend. My girlfriend and I were balls deep in our usual pow wows – jumping from how the big, bad universe worked; our latest epiphanies, triumphs and failures; our next goal and vision; […]

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As a kidlet, I was definitely a ‘better safe than sorry’ kind of kid. Change was an unnecessary side product of life, and one that I strived to avoid at all costs. Change was scary, unsettling, disarming and often led to challenges that I just wasn’t willing to face. As a teenager, changes were bad. […]

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“What’s the hardest thing about being vegan?”


Chats about being vego are really the one topic of conversation that I stay, pretty uncharacteristically, quiet about. Unless prompted, I will just hang out with my vegan wang out and enjoy my meal in peace. But, every now and again, [and I mean that literally, I’ve been so so lucky with my amazing friends […]

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Makin’ me teary – [aka shit worth sharing]


I’m usually all about sharing the ‘making me happy’ kind of stuff. And, look, this title is a little misleading because the links below are both emotional but oh-so-very heart warming. So consider this the ‘making my tears flow over a smiley face’ post. 1 // Pixar have done it again. This incredible and powerful […]

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5 Travel Hacks [technology stylez]


I’m a pretty simple little human. Remarkably flawed in a number of areas. And whilst I may not know fashion, or grace or poise … if there is anything that I know in life it’s probably within the realm of thrift and shortcuts; and travel. So today’s post is dedicated to my two loves – […]

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So, you want to do a Contiki?


I spoke about it briefly in a previous post about solo vs group travel, but now that I’m home on Aussie soil and have satiated my Contiki thirst [so to speak], I feel like I’m in a position to share a little insight with those of you who are unsure about this company and what […]

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VEGAN EATS – The UK Edition


// London // The “fast food” hits – Leon and Pret. Organic and dairy free porridge in the morning, wraps and salads for lunch, delicious coconut milk coffees. These quick stop shops were a lifesaver for the days where I wanted to prioritise walking and exploring on foot, and the days where my travel budget […]

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