FEATURE FRIDAY – The ‘Greener Coffee’ Edition


If you’re like me, you love the feeling of having a freshly brewed tea//chai//coffee in your hand as you stroll around your local bookstore//markets//green grocers. I especially love the karmic jolt when I purchase said coffee and it appears in a fandango eco cup. Recyclable, guilt free packaging – hells yes. Or is it?


I came across this project (go now and check out their video) and it completely grabbed me. Mindful consumerism and everyday activism for the win. The brains behind this initiative have developed the world’s first completely biodegradable coffee cup. Consumers can opt to plant the used cup themselves (in specified locations) or can drop them off at designated ‘reduce, reuse, grow’ collection points. Native seeds are embedded in the cup’s paper lining and, when soaked in water for five minutes, become viable to be harvested in local soil.


I’m using last Friday’s and this Friday’s Lenten dollars to support this amazing Kickstarter campaign. I would love to see this concept eventually hit our Aussie shores. Please take the time to look into, and maybe even financially back, this amazing endeavour.

Blessings and caffeinated elm trees x

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