
After a completely unplanned hiatus from the blogging world – I wanted to stop in and apologise to anyone who pops in from time to time to check if I am here. I am well, and happy, and healthy, and exhausted! I have always ALWAYS said that I would never want my writing to be forced or feel obligatory. So I listened my mind when it didn’t want to share; I trusted my fingers when they wouldn’t type and I’ve finally allowed myself to feel ok with stepping back for a while. I’d like to say that I know excactly when I will be back in the swing of things – but I’m honestly not sure. My love gets home in one week and I want to soak up as much time with him as I can. I’m aiming to be back, settled and raring, by mid October. But it could be sooner, or it could ever be a little later. I hope that’s ok.

Sending love and infinite blessings x

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